01: Pre-Alpha Playtest

Playtest Patch Release Notes: Version 0.2.1-RC-20230906.4

Date: September 7, 2023



Join Games in Progress

We’ve implemented a hotfix for the 0.2.0 matchmaker issues, addressing concerns of few players per game and extended wait times. Now, when you try to join a game, you’ll be directed to an ongoing match with up to 12 players instead of creating a new session. If all existing sessions are full, a new match will be initiated with a starting count of 2 players, allowing more to join until it reaches the 12-player cap.

NOTE: Once you engage with other players in a match, you must complete the session for your stats to reflect on the leaderboard. Players who leave a session mid-way and join another game will have their previous session’s stats carried over. This mechanism prevents players from artificially boosting their stats or quitting their game if they think they will lose.


Installation instructions

  1. Log in to the Epic Store with your account.

  2. Redeem your key sent to you via email.

  3. Find Nyan Heroes in your Epic Games library.

  4. Download and install the build via the Epic Games launcher.

  5. Launch the title.

First Run Behavior

Upon first launch, users must:

  1. Consent to EGS sharing account info with Nyan Heroes.

  2. Agree to Nyan Heroes' Terms of Service.

  3. Accept Nyan Heroes' Privacy Policy.

To proceed, accept each requirement in sequence. Declining any step or selecting 'quit' exits the title. All three agreements are mandatory for game access.

Please Note! First Run - GPU Caching and 1 session Performance

Our game is currently in pre-alpha, and not all optimizations have been implemented yet. During your first match, the game will generate GPU parameters specific to your graphics card and settings. This initial process can be taxing on the GPU, causing a drop in FPS by up to 50% and potentially resulting in performance issues. This will occur FOR THE FIRST MATCH ONLY.

After this one-time setup, all subsequent play sessions will benefit from cached GPU data for an optimal FPS experience (provided the game is not uninstalled and reinstalled).

Summary: Your first match will build the GPU cache, affecting performance only for that initial session.

Uninstallation and Reinstallation Instructions

  1. Open Epic Games Launcher.

  2. Go to ‘Library’.

  3. Find ‘Nyan Heroes’.

  4. Click ellipses next to ‘Nyan Heroes’.

  5. Select ‘uninstall’ from the menu.


Team Deathmatch

This build introduces a WIP (Work in Progress) version of our Team Deathmatch (TDM) mode. The aim is to gauge user interest and collect feedback for future design and development.

TDM features battles involving up to 4 teams of Nyans (max 3 players per team). Each team races to achieve 20 takedowns to win. Progress is displayed at the screen's top through team designators A, B, C, and D.

In the Main Menu, players can choose a cat pilot and select one of three mechs: Note: Cat pilot choice is currently aesthetic only and doesn't affect gameplay at this time.

  • Deathmark

  • M.E.G.A.M.I.

  • Claymore

While all three mechs have similar movement patterns to keep things fair, each mech possesses a unique ability and starting weapon loadout.


  • ABILITY - Teleportation (Press “Q” to project a hologram to your destination, Press LMB to execute the teleport – Note that there is a window of opportunity to recall your mech to its initial position by pressing “Q” once again)

  • DEFAULT WEAPONS - Zephyr + Legionnaire


  • ABILITY - Repair Drone (Tap “Q” to deploy a Repair Drone at your current location, Hold “Q” to project a Repair Bot destination, Release “Q” to deploy Drone at destination)

  • DEFAULT WEAPONS - Zephyr + Prophecy


  • ABILITY - Rocket Barrage (Hold “Q” to project a bombardment zone, Release “Q” to call in the Rocket Barrage)

  • DEFAULT WEAPONS - Prophecy + Purrbomb Launcher

Give yourself an edge by running on walls and dashing around the arena to grab new weapons. Display some style with cosmetic items scattered around the map. In the end, enjoy this first iteration of Nyan Heroes multiplayer gameplay.


Please note that this release of Team Deathmatch and all surrounding elements are a work in progress and are not representative of a final product in terms of both form and function.



  • Occasional Frame drops / rubber-banding on one of the center base exits.

  • Window borderless does no pickup native Resolution.

  • GPU Crash on Nvidia 1660 Super and 2060 on 4K resolution Epic Level of Detail.

  • On Epic Quality Preset, 2560x1440 and 4K resolutions, FPS is constantly at ~35.

  • On High Quality Preset, 2560x1440 and 4K resolutions, FPS is constantly at ~40.

  • On Medium Quality Preset, 4K resolution, FPS is constantly at 45-50.


  • Network disruption during queueing causes 'Ticket cancellation loop' which requires a quit and relaunch.


  • Missing weapon slot numbers.

  • Epic ID and Ping Button have the text cropped for 16:9 aspect ratio / resolutions.


  • The borders facing the Green pickup boxes cannot be walked over.

  • The Medic is unable to walk over a border at: 3709.83 683.35 2257.42.

  • Warp can bypass entry into Enemy Bases.

  • When switching rapidly between animation states, the Mechs may lock in position and slide instead of walking/running.

  • Team B spawn area walls have extended collision.

  • Team B Spawn area rocks have extended collision.

  • Occasionally, the mesh of a mech will remain present in the Team Base after Matchmaker.

  • Players can perform unintentional wall running when in tight spaces.


To report issues and feedback, join our Discord: discord.gg/nyanheroesgame. For playtesters, we have a special section to discuss the Team Deathmatch mode and provide your thoughts to help shape the game. If you do not have access to these channels or have other bugs and issues to report, use the channel labelled #ticket-support and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Last updated